Wednesday, December 30, 2009


My 200th post...woohoo!

Ahmed just emailed me this article from the Huffington Post, this blurb is hilarious...Jeggings should totally make it into the dictionary! I use it all the time, and I'm trying to get my mom to use it since I did buy her two pairs of jeggings for Christmas. Love it...xo, B

'Jeggings' Waits To Receive Entry In Oxford English Dictionary

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First Posted: 12-30-09 09:41 AM | Updated: 12-30-09 10:15 AM


"Jeggings" is wait-listed to receive an entry in the Oxford English Dictionary, the Guardian UK reports. The jeans-plus-leggings were popularized by super-skinny starlets earlier this year--and made enough of an impression on fashion outsiders during 2009 to perhaps be considered a real word.

"It has been another rich year," said linguistics specialist Susie Dent. "Last year, we found that 'credit crunch' was the most familiar new word, and the effect of the recession has stayed with us through 2009."

According to the Daily Mail UK, "jeggings," along with "staycation," "Tweetup" and "unfriend" will be closely monitored by lexicographers to see if they become permanent fixtures in the language or if their usages fade.

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1 comment:

  1. Jegginings are my wife's favorite type of pants. They let her show off her legs and be comfortable at the same time.
